configure sonar plugin
sample configuration
Sample configuration for the SonarQube plugin.
Below sample configuration willingly set all attributes values because of current issues with Sonar plugin 2.9 version. (cf. #982)
sonarglobalconfiguration: # mandatory
buildWrapperEnabled: true
installations: # mandatory
- name: "TEST" # id of the SonarQube configuration - to be used in jobs
serverUrl: "http://url:9000"
#credentialsId: token-sonarqube # id of the credentials containing sonar auth token (since 2.9 version)
serverAuthenticationToken: "token" # for retrocompatibility with versions < 2.9
mojoVersion: "mojoVersion"
additionalProperties: "blah=blah"
additionalAnalysisProperties: "additionalAnalysisProperties"
skipScmCause: true
skipUpstreamCause: true
envVar: "envVar"
You can add multiple installations.