Configuration reload

Triggering Configuration Reload

You have the following option to trigger a configuration reload:

  • via the user interface: Manage Jenkins -> Configuration -> Reload existing configuration

  • via http POST to JENKINS_URL/configuration-as-code/reload Note: this needs to include a valid CRUMB and authentication information e.g. username + token of a user with admin permissions. Since Jenkins 2.96 CRUMB is not needed for API tokens.

  • via Jenkins CLI

  • via http POST to JENKINS_URL/reload-configuration-as-code It's disabled by default and secured via a token configured as system property casc.reload.token. Setting the system property enables this functionality and the requests need to include the token as query parameter named casc-reload-token, i.e. JENKINS_URL/reload-configuration-as-code/?casc-reload-token=32424324rdsadsa.

    curl -X POST "JENKINS_URL:8080/reload-configuration-as-code/?casc-reload-token=32424324rdsadsa"

  • via Groovy script

    import io.jenkins.plugins.casc.ConfigurationAsCode;