configure jenkins
Basic Jenkins configuration under Configure System
, which is not a part of any plugin
Many of the plugins are actually configured in the same section, but to configure them you'll put their configuration under unclassified
root element - details in plugin's specific subfolders.
jenkins.yaml file is an example of a configuration file with Jenkins and a number of plugins configured.
sample configuration
systemMessage: "Jenkins configured automatically by Jenkins Configuration as Code plugin\n\n"
numExecutors: 5
scmCheckoutRetryCount: 2
mode: NORMAL
Multiline system message
There are (too) many ways to write multi-line strings in YAML, but one of the most readable solutions is to use the following syntax, that doesn't need escaped newlines and other shenanigans:
systemMessage: |
Welcome to our build server.
This Jenkins is 100% configured and managed 'as code'.
Config is now mostly handled by the 'Jenkins Configuration as Code' (JCasC) plugin.
JCasC config can be found in the jenkins.yaml file in the $JENKINS_HOME/casc/ folder.
Some settings are still injected from init.groovy.d scripts,
but these settings will be ported over to JCasC as support becomes available.
numExecutors: 1 # This is just a random example entry to show that there is no "end token" for the multiline string apart from un-indent to the next YAML property.
implementation note
The example above is only a subset of commonly used settings. The full list is available in the generated documentation.